| 0800 466 733

Junior Movement Academy

You have one opportunity to give your kids a lifetime of confidence in physical movement ability! and that is between the ages of 5-12 years old!

The Youth Sporting Experience

  • Does your child love sport and you want to give them the best opportunities as they grow?
  • Do they struggle with confidence in physical environments & are pulling away from sport because they feel its too serious or they can’t compete?
  • Are you looking for a way to get your kids more into physical activity but can’t find the right fit for them?

Our program is beneficial to all kids, and the environment is one in which the kids can work at their own pace and push themselves in more self-driven challenges that will give them the time to learn, improve and process their own abilities.


The Issues

The drop off rate for sports participation rises exponentially between the ages of 7-13 as kids become more aware of themselves… their confidence in their ability to move and compete with others becomes a defining factor in how much they want to continue to engage in physical activity..

  • Early sports specialization is limiting the movement foundations leading to injuries due to lack of versatility
  • Increased screen time is now competing with time spent exploring movement activities
  • Increased competitive pressure in sports at young ages has lead to early maturing kids skipping steps of their development and late bloomers pulling out before the even get started.

but this does not have to be the end of your child’s physical development!

The 33 Youth Training Environment


The kids are brought into a welcoming “family” environment and given multiple challenges designed:

  • To be absolutely fun & engaging
  • For young mind to develop physical problem solving skills
  • To build a love for movement
  • To engage with those around them developing leadership skills and creating relationships



Kids will be able to graduate from our program having:

  • Developed their Strength, Speed, Coordination and Control
  • Entered teenage years with confidence in their physical abilities
  • Developed a higher capacity to acquire skills as they grow towards adulthood
  • Be WAY ahead of the game entering a Gym environment once teenage years hit
  • Increased their “Athletic Ceiling”
  • A knock on effect to a healthy active life!

Get Started - Sign up or book a free Trial

Between the ages of 5-12 your son or daughter will have the highest capacity for learning that they will EVER have so it is the best time to establish their movement fundamentals and build their abilities to make movement their strength and a point of confidence in their present and future lives!

Move Pack "Lite"


10 sessions to use over 10 weeks for that schedule flexibility

Move Pack "Unlimited"


Unlimited sessions for 10weeks



Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

Movement Academy

Child Name(Required)
Parent Name(Required)
Choose your Preferred Trial Days(Required)
Medical Conditions Motivations for trialing Playing any sports currently?


Join us now and become part of the family at the 33 Gym
Address: 165-169 Target Road, Wairau Valley