Hello Parents!
Welcome to the 33 Junior Sports Family! Please take your time to read through the information below to get a feel for what we do and why we do it! The youth development process takes a long time and comes with many ups and downs which is why we emphasize our position as both educators and a support system that is resourced and ready to go on that 5-10year journey alongside your child as they grow into themselves, helping them develop both the physical and the character attributes that will help them become successful in whatever they end up choosing to do.
Once you are ready – simply fill in the form below and come trial our programs – some of which are well established and some of which are new and growing!
Kind Regards,
Zac Fitzgerald – 33 Co-founder
Our kids go through a diverse array of sporting experiences:
Our program is designed to help cater to kids at every level! So that those who have that calling can push themselves to new heights and those who are uncertain can feel more comfortable working in and developing at their own pace. Either way, they will all have the time to learn, improve and process their own abilities layering that foundation for their physical future.
The drop out rate for sports participation rises exponentially between the ages of 7-13 as kids become more aware of themselves… their confidence in their ability to move and compete with others becomes a defining factor in how much they want to continue to engage in physical activity..
but this does not have to be the end of your child’s physical development!
We strive to provide a welcoming “family” environment within which we deliver our learning curriculums. We aim to teach the kids what they are truly capable of, building their confidence, their belief. We build them up while also challenging them enough to see them build resilience and perseverance.
Developing athletes is our specialty – we know the importance of a long-term approach that builds character alongside physical ability. We know that kids move at different paces and have seen that kid who no one expects to make it, suddenly take a quantum leap at 18 and become an elite athlete.
Success in our eyes looks as follows:
Strength and Conditioning tailored for Kids!
Strength and Conditioning tailored for Kids!
From Beginner to Baller!
From Beginner to Baller!
From Beginner to Baller!
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